Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotic Storyteller


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Igor Ledochowski - Master Hypnotic Storyteller $25.00

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Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotic Storyteller Download

Master Hypnotic Storyteller

Master Hypnotic Storyteller By Igor Ledochowski

After discovering this you too will say…

“Use This NEW “Fusion Hypnosis” To Influence & Control People’s Primal Decision Making Process…”

Best part: you can use it in everyday social conversations… as well as serious business meetings… to have an “influential hold” over other people…

And yet: nobody will ever feel like you are putting ideas in their head or influencing them in any way…

It Really Is Like Having A Primal “Remote

Control” To Their Mind & Emotions And

The Decisions You Want Them To Make

Thing is:

You never want them to know you are putting pictures in their head or triggering certain emotions.

The SECRET is for them to think (believe) they are “seeing” the mind-pictures that only they want to see and feeling only the emotions that they would naturally feel.

And that is a skill that very, very few people have.

Sure you have storytelling naturals like “Mr. O”, John the CEO and trial lawyer Gerry Spence — but even they are not privy to the NEW “fusion hypnosis” that combines my advanced covert hypnosis secrets along with the kind of hypnotic storytelling secrets you are going to get from the master storytelling hypnotist I’ve teamed up with.

The name of the master storytelling hypnotist is Robin Manuell.

And it is Robin Manuell that I consider to be the hands down the world’s BEST storytelling hypnotist.


Well, part of the reason his Robin’s unusual “journey” into the world of hypnosis. You could say he took a bit of a detour.

See Robin came to the field of hypnosis in a rather roundabout way. Psychology and computer models were his focus of study at Sussex University in England. Then, in his final year, he specialized in the rather “off-beat” subjects of…



Sale Page : http://masterhypnoticstoryteller.com/


Igor Ledochowski - Master Hypnotic Storyteller
Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotic Storyteller